
Helping people to get active in the outdoors

Since 1964 Longtown Outdoor Centre has been providing schools and youth groups with adventurous activity breaks from our 16 acre site on the Herefordshire and Monmouthshire border.  Off-site activities including Caving, Hill Walking, Rock Climbing and Gorge walking take place in the nearby Brecon Beacons and Black Mountains. Our 16 acre site is made up of gardens, farmland and woodland with spectacular views over surrounding hills and mountains.  Our range of onsite activities include Archery, Rock Climbing Tower, Kayak training pool, Stand up Paddleboarding, Raft building, Low Ropes Course, High Ropes Course plus an internal traverse wall


School Residentials

Our residential programmes provide children and young people with valuable new skills and learning experiences. All our courses aim to promote resilience, self-confidence, consideration for others, caring for the environment and the benefits of an active outdoor lifestyle.


Family Adventures

Our Family Adventure sessions provide a fun and memorable opportunity for families to explore  new activities together in a beautiful natural setting.  Families may choose a half day or full day session with their choice of on or off site activity.  


Children's Clubs

Our after school clubs and holiday clubs are designed to create sociable and confident children. Mixing with new and existing friends in natural environments helps children learn to share and appreciate each other's talents and abilities. 


Group Day Trips

Day Trips for Schools, Groups and Organisations are a fun and effective way of bringing people together socially, mentally and emotionally.  We run closed sessions for groups of 10 or more people onsite or off site according to your requirements.  

Outdoor activity centre
0 -Acre
plus camp ground
0 bed spaces
0 plus

A little history

Previously owned and operated by Northamptonshire County Council, the Centre is now managed by a team of local staff and trustees who together form Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust. The building and land retain its strong Historical connection to Northamptonshire under the ownership of The Wilson Foundation – a Northamptonshire based Youth Development Charity.

Since we began nearly 60 years ago, the essence of what we do remains the same. We give young people a chance to experience exhilarating adventure in a safe and affirming environment. We help young people to push boundaries, widen their horizon, grow in confidence and discover capabilities they didn’t know they had. (Plus those young at heart…!)

What we do

We provide the following courses and services….

Residential Trips

For schools, youth groups and families
– dormitory or camp based.

Stay’s of 1+ Nights available.

Day Trips

 A day trip to the Centre includes 5 full hours of exciting, challenging activities with flexible timings to suit your group.

School based PE sessions

School based outdoor learning sessions and
portable PE classes delivered on school grounds or the local area by our qualified instructor’s.

Afterschool & Holiday Clubs

Holiday activity clubs for school children aged
6 -14 during school holidays plus afterschool clubs during the Autumn and Spring Term.

Family Adventures

Family adventure sessions on or off site in the surrounding area.  Camp based breaks staying in our Bell are also available during Holiday periods. 

EVA Service

An Educational Visits advisory service for
subscribing schools with advice delivered by Mike Fawcett, an Accredited Practitioner of the Institute for Outdoor Learning. 

EV Training

Educational Visit training for group leaders and coordinators delivered by Mike Fawcett, an Accredited Practitioner of the Institute for Outdoor Learning. 

Career Development

Training and qualification opportunities for future outdoor instructors looking to commence or progress their career in the outdoors. 

Our Values

At the core of everything we do…..






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