We provide comprehensive, affordable and personalised advice, guidance and training to Local Authorities, Trusts and schools. Our packages will enable your schools to offer high quality programmes of educational visits and outdoor learning without compromising the safety of staff or students.

Our service offers

2024-20205 Renewal

Renew your SLA agreement with us for 2024-2025 by completing and submitting the form linked below:

View the 2024-2025 SLA agreement: 

Upcoming courses

Our Educational Visit Adviser's Credentials

Outdoor Education Adviser

    Training provision

    Are you fed up with online training?

    Our competitively priced face-to-face training courses can be delivered at your school or at accessible and vetted training locations.

    This type of training provides invaluable opportunities for professional discussion, small group work and networking in breakout rooms and over lunch and refreshments.



    From £0.90 per pupil for the advice-only package

    From £2.00 per pupil for the full EVAS package (including the EV2 eVisit planning portal)


    OEAP EVC Training from £70.00 per delegate

    OEAP Visit Leader (theory) training from £35.00 per delegate

    What our customers say

    To request a quote (for training and/or advice) or to request a demonstration of the eVisit EV2 system, please email: mike@longtownoutdoorlearning.co.uk

    Please note that Longtown Educational Visits Advisory Service is part of Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust (LOLT) a registered charity (No. 1180322) that provides residential outdoor learning opportunities for children and young people. LOLT’s services and courses are exempt from VAT.