We provide comprehensive, affordable and personalised advice, guidance and training to Local Authorities, Trusts and schools. Our packages will enable your schools to offer high quality programmes of educational visits and outdoor learning without compromising the safety of staff or students.
Our service offers
- Value for money support to Local Authorities, Trusts and Schools
- Credible and timely advice, support and guidance from a nationally-accredited adviser with high level experience in the field of Educational Visits
- Thorough scrutiny of visit plans from a subject expert - review, feedback and endorsement of Category C (enhanced risk) visits with reference to OEAP National Guidance
- One-to-one advice for school SLT members and EVCs via MS Teams, phone, email and planning portal
- Visit-related inclusion advice based on current best practice and a range of case studies
- Access to the Visit Emergency Support Network (VESN) - 24 hour critical incident support from a team of 5 experienced advisers
- Face-to-face EVC, Visit Leader, eVisit and bespoke training from an experienced trainer who consistently receives excellent feedback for his course delivery
- Review and feedback on your Educational Visits policy
- National updates to schools through EVC newsletters and broadcast messages
- Professional representation through the Outdoor Education Advisers Panel (OEAP)
- Optional access to the new EV2 eVisit planning portal with full technical and administrative support
2024-20205 Renewal
Renew your SLA agreement with us for 2024-2025 by completing and submitting the form linked below:
View the 2024-2025 SLA agreement:
Upcoming courses
Our Educational Visit Adviser's Credentials
- 8 year's experience as an adviser to three local authorities and 85 schools
- An accredited and active member of the national panel of Outdoor Education Advisers
- Current regional panel chair and member of the National Boar
- A qualified teacher and experienced trainer (EVC, Visit Leader, eVisit and bespoke training) whose feedback for all courses is consistently excellent
- A former Deputy Head Teacher and experienced EVC and Visit Leader. 12 years management experience gained in children's residential outdoor education centres
- A qualified Outdoor Activities instructor, coach and leader with qualifications and expertise in a broad range of Mountain, Cave and Paddlesport activities
- A qualified Flood and Swift Water Rescue Technician
- Emergency response experience as a full member of Longtown Mountain Rescue Team. Expedition leadership experience in the UK and overseas
- Knowledge of educational visits attractions and residential facilities throughout England and Wales
- Knowledge of many Duke of Edinburgh award expedition areas throughout the UK
Training provision
Are you fed up with online training?
Our competitively priced face-to-face training courses can be delivered at your school or at accessible and vetted training locations.
This type of training provides invaluable opportunities for professional discussion, small group work and networking in breakout rooms and over lunch and refreshments.
From £0.90 per pupil for the advice-only package
From £2.00 per pupil for the full EVAS package (including the EV2 eVisit planning portal)
OEAP EVC Training from £70.00 per delegate
OEAP Visit Leader (theory) training from £35.00 per delegate
What our customers say
To request a quote (for training and/or advice) or to request a demonstration of the eVisit EV2 system, please email: mike@longtownoutdoorlearning.co.uk
Please note that Longtown Educational Visits Advisory Service is part of Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust (LOLT) a registered charity (No. 1180322) that provides residential outdoor learning opportunities for children and young people. LOLT’s services and courses are exempt from VAT.