Last Updated: June 2021
Deposit, Cancellation and Payment Terms
- Provisional bookings may be made by phone or email and will be held for 2 weeks only. Bookings are secured by a deposit of £500 to £1000 (depending upon the length of stay requested). All deposits are non-refundable.
- If you have booked a stay at Longtown and wish to cancel you must write to us to tell us. All deposits are non-refundable. If less than 16 weeks’ notice of cancellation is given the outstanding balance of the course is due for payment within 30 days of our issuing you with a cancellation invoice. If you provide a minimum of 16 weeks’ notice of cancellation no further charges will be due however the deposit will be retained.
- The outstanding balance for you stay will be invoiced on departure.
- A deposit of one night is required at the point of booking. The balance is payable 14 days ahead of arrival.
- If you need to cancel your camp booking a minimum of 14 days’ notice is required by email or in writing. If you provide 14 + days’ notice of cancellation and we successfully re-sell your accommodation unit/s, we will provide a partial refund of your deposit less 10% to cover our administration costs and card processing fees and no further charges will apply. If you provide less than 14 days’ notice of cancellation the deposit is non-refundable and the outstanding balance will be due for payment.
- If you wish to postpone your booking and provide at least 14 days’ notice your deposit will be transferred to a mutually convenient future date and become subject to any seasonal price increments. If the requested balance payment is not paid 14 days ahead of arrival, we reserve the right to re-sell the accommodation/tent/unit and retain any deposits paid.
- Provisional bookings may be made by phone or email but will be held for 2 weeks only. Bookings are secured by a deposit. All deposits are non-refundable.
- If you have booked a course at Longtown and wish to cancel you must write to us to tell us. If less than16 weeks’ notice of cancellation is given full course fees are payable. If you cancel up to 16 weeks before the start of your course, the deposit will be retained, and no further charges will be applied.
- The outstanding balance for you day visit will be invoiced on departure.
- All bookings are made on a first come, first served basis. Provisional bookings are not accepted and all requests for activities, instructional staff, facility space, programmes or events on a specified date or dates are considered to be firm bookings.
- Payment for clubs and/or activity booking is required in full at the point of booking. Refunds are not available for unattended or missed sessions.
- If you wish to cancel your club subscription, individual activity, or family adventure session a minimum of 14 days’ notice is required by email or in writing to retrieve a refund of unattended or remaining sessions in the case of a club membership. If you wish to postpone your activity or family session and provide at least 14 days’ notice no further charges apply and your payment will be transferred to the mutually agreed date and time. Postponement options are not possible for club subscriptions.
Booking Terms and Conditions
Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre / Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust
A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Charity number: 1180322 Registered Office: Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust, The Court House, Longtown, Hereford, HR2 0LD. Company registration number: 11291732.
Headings in this Agreement are for guidance and clarification only.
1. Agreement.
Any booking made by a client confers agreement to abide by these Terms & Conditions.
2. Bookings
All bookings are made on a first come, first served basis. Provisional bookings are not accepted, so all requests for activities, instructional staff, facility space, programmes or events on a specified date or dates are considered to be firm bookings.
3. Cancellation
Cancellations with less than the prescribed amount of notice (including late arrivals and inclement weather) will incur cancellation or curtailment charges. Cancellation, curtailment and non fulfilment conditions are detailed in full in Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre Payment, Deposit and Cancellation Terms, available on request. Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre will endeavour to run and operate all bookings as scheduled. No liability will be accepted in the event of cancellation or curtailment by Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre for any inconvenience, consequential loss, incidental or third party expenses.
4. Prices, Subsidies, Charges & Rates
All Prices, rates, charges and subsidies are reviewed regularly to be competitive with market conditions and in line with our Charitable Objects. Standard Prices are quoted in literature and will be subject to change from time to time, sometimes without prior notice. No liability will be accepted for errors, omissions or miscommunication. Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre will endeavour to provide at least one week’s notice of all such changes or allow an equivalent hold over period.
Confirmed and fully paid up bookings will be honoured for a period not exceeding 3 months.
Quotations provided for events are valid for up to 3 months, with the exception of bought in or third party costs, which will be chargeable at the rate prevailing.
5. Operational & Activity specific Guidelines
Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre, its employees, agents and servants reserves the right to withhold, withdraw or refuse access to any persons or organisations, without liability or redress, who it reasonably believes to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, suffering from a medical condition or in any other circumstance where it is felt that safety may be compromised, without giving reason.
Operational Guidelines & Procedures, Activity Guidelines, Rules, Codes of Practice or Conduct, Guidance for Visiting Staff,
Clothing Requirements, conditions set out by Governing Bodies and Licensing Authorities and any other Policies in force at the time are provided to clarify responsibilities, to ensure and enhance the safety of all involved. Clients and Participants attention are particularly drawn to these as non compliance will also constitute grounds for refusal to provide facilities and services without any liability for refund or compensation.
6. General Guidelines & Policies
Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre has its own Health & Safety, Child Protection & Vulnerable Adults, Equal Opportunities and Emergency Action Plan Policies, based on current best practise. All clients are expected to comply with these at all times whilst on site, or whilst undertaking an activity off site.
7. Limit of Liability
All activities are run in accord with National Governing Body, Licensing Authority, Internal and other appropriate Guidelines. The majority of the activities are recognised to be dangerous activities with an inherent potential risk of injury. Suitable control measures are in place, which if correctly followed by all participants, aim to reduce the risk of injury. Clients making bookings and participating in activities are deemed to have accepted these risks with the associated responsibility (the Duty of Care) for themselves and their actions (including taking all reasonable measures to ensure minors under their Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage to property, clothing or belongings howsoever caused whilst clients, participants and visitors are using the site or facilities, or are under instruction at an off-site event or activity operated by Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre.
Clients & Participants agree that First Aid may be administered by a qualified First Aider where necessary, without prior consent.
8. Smoking
The buildings and Activity areas are designated non smoking areas for reasons of safety and health. All clients are asked to comply with this and will be asked to extinguish all smoking materials or move on to a non designated area.
9. Comments, Complaints and Suggestions
Comments, Complaints and Suggestions are welcomed as part of our continuing strive for improvement. It is our aim to resolve all issues at the earliest stage possible, whilst maintaining good, consistent standards of safety and practise.
Our Procedure requests that in the first instance any complaint should be brought to the attention of a member of staff on duty and as soon as possible. The Duty Manager is also there to assist, or if preferred a comments form, may be completed, and handed in for the attention of the Head of Centre.
10. Publicity
We welcome all requests to undertake promotional publicity as a result of an activity, instruction, programme, event or other site use and request it is discussed with our Marketing personnel prior to commencing. It should include at least the words “ Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre, a registered charity”. Permission to use logo’s, artwork, and photographs must be obtained in advance.
11. Photography & Filming
We welcome positive images portraying the work of Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre. Due to our Child Protection and other Policies it is essential that approval is sought prior to the day from the Manager, from whom other useful guidance can be offered. Photos and filming may be taken and used for the promotion of the Centre.
12. Data Protection
Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust is a not for profit organisation. The personal information you supply will be added to our database and mailing list so that we can communicate with you. We will not share your information with any organisation or person outside of Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust. If you would like any more information about how we process your personal data or would like to have your data removed from our system, please contact
14. Force Majeure
Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre or its agents shall not be liable if unable to carry out any provision for any reason beyond its control including
(without limitation) Act of God, legislation, war, civil commotion, fire, flood, drought, inclement weather, failure of power supply, equipment failure, actual or threat of explosive device, Landlord’s conditions, conditions imposed by Fire, Police or other safety authority, lockout, strike, stoppage or other action by employees or third parties in contemplation of furtherance of any dispute, or any other unforeseen circumstance.
15. Notices and General Provisions
Policies and Documents mentioned above are available to view in the Manager’s office during normal weekday working hours
It is agreed and declared that this Agreement and the Policies it refers to contain all terms and conditions between the parties making the booking and Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre. Any bookings made on behalf of a third party shall obligate the group leader (those booking
activities for others) liable to take all reasonable measures to ensure all other parties know of and comply with these terms & conditions.
No changes or alterations to this Agreement will be enforceable unless agreed in writing by the Manager, prior to the booking.
This Agreement shall in all respects be construed as an English Contract subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. If any of these provisions should be determined unlawful invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of law, that shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the remaining provisions.
1. By Clients
For cancellations of bookings there is a scale of charges as set out in the table above. All cancellations (including inclement weather and client’s organisational closures) and requests for transfers of the date of an activity, made within 48 hours of the booking are charged at the full rate.
2. By Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre
Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre aims to run all bookings, and other advertised sessions subject to demand. Where it is not possible to run a session for any reason other than demand we will endeavour to contact all booked clients with as much notice as available. (We ask for daytime and home numbers for this reason.)
We will offer a mutually arranged alternative or replacement session. A credit or refund may be offered if clients genuinely cannot re-arrange a date.
Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre will not be liable for any incidental or third party costs. Occasionally at quiet times, The Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre may alter its opening times to run staff development and training. We encourage casual clients and visitors to telephone before turning up.
1. By Clients
No refund will be given for activities curtailed by the client for any reason.
2. By Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre
No refunds will be given where for safety, inability for clients to meet conditions or other reasons an instructor in charge or Duty Manager believes the cancellation or curtailment of a session is in the interests of all concerned.
Participation Statement
Important: Please read the following document.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian/teacher to ensure that the young person/people are made aware of the risks involved in participating in adventurous activities, and that they understand the importance of the following terms.
1. I/they understand and fully accept that participating in outdoor/adventurous activities entails some risk, and that while risks are minimised, accidents and injury may occur.
2. I will ensure that I/they am fully prepared for my activity day, bringing appropriate clothing and footwear for the activities I am participating in and the weather conditions, plus a full change of clothes and any medication I may need.
3. Whilst on Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre site, or under Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre instruction, I/they will listen carefully to and abide by all oral instructions and I have read any specific rules for the Activities that I am undertaking. I understand that failure to do so may result in an accident or I/they may not be allowed to participate in the activity.
4. I/they agree to wear all safety equipment provided by Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre in the manner demonstrated/instructed by Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre Staff.
5. I/they understand that certain elements of participation in outdoor activities will involve physical challenges.
6. I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own/their behaviour whilst on Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre site or under Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre instruction. Offensive, aggressive or disruptive behaviour may/will result in leaving the session, or site.
7. I acknowledge that I am also responsible for my own/their possessions whilst at Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre. (We advise that valuable possessions are left at home.)
8. In the unlikely event of an accident, or loss or damage to my personal effects, I acknowledge that Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from or in connection with the activities and I/they waive all and any claims against Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre in this respect except for death or personal injury caused by negligence.
9. To the best of my knowledge, I have declared all medical conditions (including pregnancy) which may make it more likely that I/they be involved in an incident which could result in injury to myself or others OR I will inform the staff at Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre of any medical condition that may affect my/their ability to take part in any activity or put myself / themselves or other participants at risk.
10. In addition, for parents, guardians or teachers signing on behalf of under eighteen year old participants, I accept that the group leader/organiser is directly responsible for the children between activity sessions, and that they are not supervised by Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre staff.