We need your support to enable this exciting new building to happen!
Following considerable design work and a public consultation, Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust in partnership with The Wilson Foundation, has submitted a planning application for the erection of a multi-purpose building and associated works to enhance the existing facilities at Longtown Outdoor Learning Centre.
Please may we ask you to spare a moment to go online to the Herefordshire Council’s planning portal and submit a short comment of support.
Link here to submit your support
The planning application number is P223349/F. The deadline for comments is Thursday 24th November.

Currently we do not have a dining space to seat all our residential guests in one sitting. The new building will provide a purpose-built multi-use dining room that will seat all our residential guests in one sitting. It will also provide a meeting space and base for day sessions and be a flexible multipurpose indoor space for activities and games in all weathers.
Our kitchen facilities require updating to make them fit for the future and the new building will provide a new purpose-built catering kitchen. This will greatly improve our current cooking facilities and, for example, avoid us having to move hot meals and crockery across the courtyard to other buildings.
The building will also provide toilets and showers for our existing camp ground. This will reduce demand on our current facilities and will mean we will no longer need to rent costly temporary shower and toilet units during each summer period. These new facilities will also be used for our local after school adventure clubs, scouts and holiday time activity days.
We currently don’t have a fully accessible dining room or meeting space, and the new building will provide an accessible venue and facilities for all to use during day visits and residentials.
In summary, the new building development is about making the Centre fit for the future and to enable us to improve the experience of our guests. It will ensure that our programmes of outdoor learning and residential adventures continue to meet health and safety standards and will add value to what we currently offer to our guests and local community.
Thank you in advance for your support!